Well I'm well into my third cup of coffee, read the newspaper, checked out some blogs, enjoyed a bagel and now its time to give you a little update of my weekend. Yesterday i got up early and did a good amount of stitching on Jenny Bean. I then went to the Y and did 30 minutes on the tread mill, I've decided to hold off on the strength machines for now as they are very busy when I get to the Y and I seem to be slowing up the flow as I'm not familiar with them also I need to "LOVE" the treadmill or at least tolerate it.So I have my "workout" clothes with me and will do my time at the Y before enjoying the afternoon with my stitching buds. Last night I experimented with making egg rolls, I put them in the oven rather than deep frying them. They were pretty good, next time I will leave them in the oven longer to get more crispy. 4 of them were 8 ww points, with that I had a salad, was a very satisfying meal. Tomarrow I am taking my sister out to lunch. We are going to the Green Onion in Norfolk ( for those of you who live in the area) They have the most amazing lobster rolls (only for lunch), somewhat pricy ($20.00) but you get tons of lobster in two New England style hotdog rolls (which are toasted) I will pass on the fries (which are also very good) but I WANT both rolls so I will have a light supper of vegtable soup. I have been looking forward to this meal but I do want to have another good weigh in (2.8 lbs lost last week) I would like to reach my ten percent goal by my birthday (8 lbs-4 weigh ins). Yesterday I pulled out some old journals and read through them. Kind of depressing, seems I've been battling the same issues for the past 10 years. At first I was feeling that I have made no progress in these areas then I decided I was just a slow learner, then I ripped out the old pages. They will not be there 10 years from now to laugh at me. Have a great Sunday, be good to yourself!