Tuesday, January 18, 2011

new years resolution update

Half of January is history and I am pleased with my dedication. Have gone swimming 7 times ( that's $21 toward my first reward of $150 for a water proof mpg player) have not used my credit cards. Joined weight watchers last week and am progressing well. The new points plus program is very doable-especially when you get 36 points) Rachel only gets 26 points-score one for fat people. The only problem is the time commitment-going through the drivethru takes a lot less time then planning, shopping and cooking. Has cut into my stitching time. My resove to be more "present" at work is a work in progress. To be honest- 75 % of my patients seem to be sick-makes me want to hide in my office,bad social worker! Well wishing everyone sunny stitching days and thanks for supporting my blog.


  1. You can do it! Great start! If you have a zumba class nearby give it a go, it's fun and you can burn 1000 calories in one class! :D

  2. Congrats on the good start. Sometimes it's the starting that is hardest to do.
